Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Expect the Unexpected

In my life, everyday is an adventure, but particularly today. I like to plan ahead, but I take one day at a time. I value productivity and having fun while doing it, and today was a mixture of both. I was able to sleep in, which was extremely comforting, and I woke up refreshed and feeling better than I have in a long while. Two friends and I planned the night before to meet downstairs at 11 am to make it to the Kalamazoo Nature Center by 11:30 for a class field trip so, as we hoped, we were all down there and ready to go.  We barely made it on time to the Nature Center. Zooming down the highway and speeding around corners, I almost spilled my bowl of grapes! Let me just say, it was an exciting ride to be in the back seat of my friend's car as she "drove efficiently"!
The Nature Center felt so pure the second I stepped off of the black top of the parking lot. To enter the center, you cross a large bridge, and as we passed over it, my friends and I made comments about how fresh and sweet it smelled-not a sensation you get to enjoy daily when you live on a campus where busses are always passing and cafeterias are constantly serving food. To make it even better, when we walked inside, we were greeted with gorgeous murals that include all types and species of birds. I thought this was wonderful, but I was in for a surprise: the actual natural part of the center was breathtaking. 
After a short presentation about the Nature Center, our guide took us back though the main building, and over the large bridge. From there, we took a trip up to the natural prairie land, and there I was able to take some of the most amazing pictures that I have in a while. The grasses really made me feel small in the grand world we live in; they were taller than me, and as I walked through them,  I could only see a few feet out on either side of the path. I absolutely loved it; I was surrounded by nature. As our class walked through the prairie, I experienced so many feelings and emotions that I hadn't in a long time and it felt amazing. Against my wishes, two girls and myself had to leave the Nature Center early, on behalf of meetings and classes that we had to attend. 

We tried lifting the car to change the tire...

Once we were on the road, and cruising down the highway, the car did not sound totally "okay"-I thought it and so did my girlfriend who was driving. Suddenly our back tire exploded, and my friend quickly pulled to the shoulder and we hopped out to see the damage. The tire was completely ripped up from bursting so we opened the trunk and dug through the odds and ends that she had acquired in the past few weeks at school. As it turned out, she had a spare and we had all the tools to change the tire but none of us knew how. We called and were waiting for a service person to come change it for us when a man pulled up ahead of us and quickly changed it before the service man even arrived. All three of us girls did not see the man pull up, and we quickly decided he was our angel for the day. We felt so blessed to have a good Samaritan come to our rescue.

This poor tire could not be saved. 
By the time we got moving again, I had missed my meeting so we decided to get lunch. I happened to have a coupon for a free sandwich so we went to a sub shop, where my friends got their food for free!! We were talking about our recent ordeal, and it happened to be one of their birthdays. The workers decided to give a birthday gift and another free meal so we could all eat together. The world seemed like it was in our favor today. 
As we were leaving the sub shop, my friend with the birthday told us this was one of the best birthdays she has ever had, and I feel so blessed that I was able to celebrate with her. This day turned into something that I never would have imagined in a thousand years, and it all started with a strong connection that I felt when we were taking our trip through the prairie grass. I can not prove it had anything to do with the events that took place after leaving the Nature Center, but there were too many amazing natural things that occurred after feeling at peace and like one with all the plants and trees around me. I could't ask for a better first trip to the Kalamazoo Nature Center. I am already planning on making my way back in the next few weeks, when I have the time and transportation. It was a great start to a surprising and truly eventful day, and I will always hold it in a special place in my heart because it created so many good memories and laughs for me.

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