Friday, November 19, 2010

This is an ode...

Although there are many people in the world that take our earth for granted, I can not say that I know of anyone who does not like our world. There are just too many natural beauties and adventures that our world gives us to not love it. A combination of the two, beauty and adventure, would be our national parks. It honestly doesn't get more bare than that; that is the world we live on, the natural state, what we were all created from. I think that Americans are blessed to have as many national parks as we do and places of untouched nature, that is preserved and protected. I have a strong feeling that if that land was not protected, it would have been torn down and dammed up by now; much like many other parts of our nation and especially parts of the world that don't have protection laws for the land.
What is sad, is that I have learned of land in parts of the world, like Indonesia, where the land is protected, and even sacred to some tribes, yet logging companies are still tearing it down, using nonsense reasons for their actions. The tribes are supposed to be reimbursed for their trees with amounts around 300 loincloths and are receiving, at most, around 50. It sickens me to think that some people live in these natural areas, and survive off the trees and land, and large companies still find it okay to tear it down and take advantage of the language barrier and not knowing the tribes customs, in order to make more money. If there were not laws and consequences for bad actions in America, I feel the same thing would occur on our lands. It scares me to think that this is what our world has come to; fighting over land in order to tear it down and kill ecosystems so we can make a profit.
On the positive side, In America, we are able to visit our preserved lands and feel our breath taken away, when we realize how small we really are in our enormous world. This is something I have yet to experience, but, I know, just by pictures and movies I have seen, that this is the least of what I would experience. I can't wait to go on a road trip, especially out west, and see all the sites there is to see, even including sunsets with the Rocky Mountains glowing in the distance. My heart speeds up and I get excited just thinking about it!
The freedoms that us, as Americans, enjoy are enormous and cover every single part of our life, but to me, one of the most important freedoms is our freedom to travel. It gives us the whole world for opportunities of places to go and allows us to really follow and pursue our own individual personal likes and loves. We are able to experience anything in the world, learn first hand, customs of another culture or religion and, as I would take my time and do, just appreciate the beauty and landscape of the different or foreign land. I know that national parks were created to preserve the land, but, I also think that if we didn't have the freedoms and the democratic government that we do, we wouldn't be able to appreciate the land for what it is. So, in a way this blog is an ode to our founding fathers for giving us rights and freedoms, and to America's national parks. These are two things that should never be forgotten, and we should thank God everyday for them.

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